What is 7890 + 4320? Are you searching for a calculator to solve that? Do you know that a young child can answer this in a few minutes without any materials? This is the magic of abacus training. Abacus training is based on developing arithmetical calculation skills and helps children understand fundamental number systems. A […]
India is a culturally diverse country, where more than 120 languages are spoken. While Hindi is a common language, understood and spoken by a majority of the population, there are some regions where Hindi is not a medium of communication. Therefore, it is difficult to communicate with other people and English serves as the second […]
With the rising economic challenges after the Corona Virus, it had become difficult for individuals to attain quality education and training. The government of Singapore has always extended a helping hand to ease the situation and encourage learning. The Financial Sector Development Fund (FSDF) was established for the purpose of improving talent and other substructures […]