Importance of the English Language in India

Importance of the English Language in India

India is a culturally diverse country, where more than 120 languages are spoken. While Hindi is a common language, understood and spoken by a majority of the population, there are some regions where Hindi is not a medium of communication. Therefore, it is difficult to communicate with other people and English serves as the second common language in India.

With the rise in globalization, a lot of countries are focusing on English language training as it is needed in every walk of life. It has become imperative to gain proficiency in English to get a job in a good company with a higher salary and to be able to deal with international clients. To stay relevant, it is necessary to learn English and also be tech-savvy. The Indian job market is also getting very competitive, and it is difficult to make your place in it. Therefore, those with subpar English language skills, lose out on many opportunities. Most people aim to work in multinational companies or to go abroad, for which they usually have to pass English assessment tests such as IELTS.

Parents enroll their children in English medium schools and invest in their education to help them shape their future. They are aware that for their child to become successful, they would need to be well-versed in English. Most schools also require that the child speaks English at home and gets an environment where they can practice their speaking, to become fluent. Nowadays, more and more parents are opting for language classes to help their children with their education and also for getting a visa abroad. After the 1947 Partition, India became an autonomous state and much of the influence of the Britishers was left. Indians soon realized that they would need to keep some of the western traditions to conduct international business and business within the country and to compete with the west. English is thus, a language of great importance in India, and not just a relic of the British colonizers.

ELT market in India

The English Language Teaching (ELT) market is growing fast in India. It is categorized under the Skills Development area and part of the education sector. It is an unregulated market and there are no specific guidelines set by the government of India. Most educators think that teaching English as a subject is as important as language proficiency skills. When learning a new language, the most challenging part is to converse and communicate in it. Therefore, the adoption of Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) shifted the paradigm. It is a language teaching method based on learners’ ability to communicate and to enable them to use English as a part of their everyday communication. CLT gained popularity as a teaching method in the early 1980s as conventional approaches were not working to satisfy the demands of learners.

Teaching approaches like CALL and MALL have become common in ELT institutions in India. CALL stands for Computer Assisted Language Learning, and it is an interactive approach with a set of instructions that guides learners to get their outcomes of learning with flexibility, according to their ability and pace. It is a much more relaxed way of teaching and also helps to create an inclusive teaching environment. MALL stands for Mobile assisted language learning – as its name it means that the use of a mobile device enhances the language learning experience. Moreover, educators have realized that English can be used in a wide array of sectors, most importantly entertainment and education. Edutainment and infotainment have also become popular phrases used in the ELT market. It combines education and information with entertainment.

A good vocabulary is needed for writing scripts for films and drama series, as well as for radio productions. There are many English news channels in India where discussions and debates take place in English. Politicians also engage in debates and arguments in English and most states don’t use Hindi as their main language. English is not just a language for communication but is also associated with a better social status. Therefore, a lot of people want to learn English to not feel inferior and to become confident. The importance of English in work and regular life is getting more attention.

Importance of English in the 21st century

English has been used for scientific discoveries. For countries to become global superpowers, they need to stay updated with the trends and new information in the field. Therefore, in order to get more technologically and scientifically advanced as a nation, India needs to prioritize the English language. In the 21st century, everybody has access to a plethora of academic and scientific materials on the internet. Thus, to access all that data, knowledge of English is necessary. There are learning materials available online, but if someone struggles with understanding English, they would not be able to tap into the full capacity of online education.

We can notice that the world is going through important economic, social, and demographic changes. Therefore, all individuals and nations need to equip themselves with the tools to be a part of this change. One can travel the world and converse with a diverse range of people. While it is good to learn the main language of your travel destination, English is a widely accepted language of communication, and you will find many people who can communicate in it.

Everyone has their own form of escapism, but now there are millions of books, films, and TV shows available in English. You have so many options to watch and spend your leisure time. If you learn English, you can easily understand the greatest pieces of cinema as well as literature. You can get access to so many more options than a person who doesn’t understand English. There may be options available in your local language but if you don’t want to limit yourself, then English is the perfect language to learn.

English opens new doors to education, entertainment, and employment opportunities. Learning the English language is an investment for a better lifestyle, an advanced mindset, and many more benefits that this global and versatile language has to offer.

Manier time people forget to understand the importance of the English in their lives and struggles in the end. That’s why Edujournal came up with Spoken English Courses and Speaking Proficiency courses for individuals and professionals to scale their English Ability.

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