Institute management system

Institute Management System is an essential part of any educational system

Why an Institute Management System is essential for any Training or Coaching Institute in the current situation? According to Paperbell, The estimated global revenue from coaching is 2.849 billion US dollars. The search for “Coaches” in Linkedin brought around 6.28 million searches in 2020 Coaching businesses worldwide are constantly engaged in numerous activities to efficiently […]

Java Application

Java is a class-based, object-based, and general use computer programming language. It was initially designed for new planning dependencies. James Gosling pioneered the development of Java. Java programming language did not rely on any specific software and hardware- rather, it was initially conceived for Java App development. Versatile Java frameworks Help developers build both computer […]

illustration on knowledge management

Knowledge Management for Businesses and its Importance

Any organization’s primary focus is to get good growth and increase efficiency. Proper Knowledge management within the organization will automatically do that.  In this article, we will discuss knowledge management for businesses and its importance A wise man once said, “We are no longer in the dispensation of age and experience. We are in the […]

Online Learning

Online Learning Platform – How Does It Work?

Thanks to the rapid technological advancement and the pandemic, online learning has become an integral part of the education system. From schools to higher education institutes, everyone is using an online learning platform to continue their education during the lockdown. How does online learning work? Most institutes don’t use email as they regard it to […]

Top 8 Free Google Online Courses and Certifications

Google offers many courses in the market that can be used to expand the knowledge of Google platforms or learn core computer science topics. The certifications that you will end up with after completing the courses will also help you set yourself apart from your counterparts. Here are the top 10 free Google online courses […]

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